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October 4, 2019

News You Need - 3 Big Little Things from HealthXL - October 2019

Chandana Fitzgerald

It’s time for your monthly digital health news dose. We have looked back at three of the most noteworthy pieces of news from the last month and distilled what they mean for the industry and the key takeaways you should have on your radar. Interested in getting beyond the headlines? We’ve included three industry experts who can help you get behind these stories - just let us know if you’d like us to make the introduction!

1: Apple announces 3 studies with top research and health centers

Snapshot of the story: Apple will partner with the National Institutes of Health, the American Heart Association, Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the University of Michigan on the studies where they are looking to 'democratize' healthcare by allowing patients to contribute their data for research. 

Why is it notable - A test of whether an everyday watch really helps monitor and manage health better

Industry Implications - Digital Biomarkers come at a cost

Jukka-Pekka Onnela
Jukka-Pekka Onnela
Associate Professor of Biostatistics & Director of Master’s Program
Health Data Science

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2: Surescripts may have put the kibosh on Amazon's PillPack getting patient prescription data

Snapshot of the story: Surescripts, an IT company that supports e-prescription, the electronic transmission of prescriptions between health care organizations and pharmacies, as well as general health information exchange of medical records, will terminate its partnership with ReMy Health, a third party that supplies PillPack with information about patient prescriptions. 

No one has yet to make these claims fully -- just a lot of back and forth right now, so, below are some educated guesses. 

Why is it notable?

 Industry Implications -Patient data and market monopolization concerns need to be averted

Timothy Aungst
Timothy Aungst
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
MCPHS University

Timothy is a pharmacist and teacher, and is passionate about all things that can enhance the delivery of care to patients.

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3: iRhythm and Verily collaborate on A. Fib 

Snapshot of the story: It's partnerships galore again, and this time, with Verily and iRhythm announcing the coming together of iRhythm’s expertise in AI-based arrhythmia diagnosis and Verily’s advanced health data analytics technologies to improve screening, diagnosis, and management of patients with A.fib.


Why is it notable - Digital health in cardiovascular disease gaining traction

 Industry Implications - Constant monitoring = Overdiagnosis? 

Michael Dillhyon
Michael Dillhyon
Expert Reviewer

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