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January 31, 2020

News You Need - 2 Big Little Things from HealthXL - February 2020

Chandana Fitzgerald

It’s time for another HealthXL news digest! We have reviewed the two most noteworthy news stories in digital health from the last month and explained their relevance below. We’ve analysed what they mean for the industry, and why you should know about them. Reach out to me if you wish to connect with our friends from the industry who can quite literally ‘get behind the headlines’. 

1: AI warns of coronavirus outbreak ahead of CDC and WHO.

Story Snapshot : On January 9th, the World Health Organization (WHO) notified the world of a viral outbreak in Wuhan in China, three days after the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made a similar announcement. They were not the first ones to call the outbreak however. Late last year, a Canadian-based global health monitoring platform, BlueDot, had already picked up on this potential threat and alerted its clients of the outbreak on December 31st.

Why it's Notable?
Contrary to what one might expect, BlueDot did not have a direct communication line with authorities in Wuhan. Instead, the company applies AI techniques to a multitude of data sources, ranging from foreign news and disease networks to global sales of airline tickets, to generate expedited infectious disease models. By making assumptions about likely travel patterns of infected individuals during the early stages of the outbreak, the company was able to predict the geographical spread of the coronavirus from Wuhan to Bangkok, Seoul, Taipei, and Tokyo.

 Industry Implication

John Brownstein
John Brownstein
Chief Innovation Officer
Boston Children's Hospital

John launched Circulation, a service to offer Uber and Lyft as non-emergency medical transportation.

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2: An Updated DTx for Pelvic Floor Disorders.

Story Snapshot : This week, Renovia Inc. received FDA 510 (k) clearance for its updated next-gen Ieva Pelvic Digital Therapeutic, prescribed to help with the rehabilitation or strengthening of (weak) pelvic floor muscles for the treatment of stress, mixed and mild to moderate urgency urinary incontinence in women. The leva Pelvic Digital Health System continues to work off the same peer-reviewed, patented mechanism of action as the current version of the system albeit offering a more patient-centric and discreet form factor whilst also benefitting from a refreshed app interface.

Why it is notable? 
Urinary incontinence (UI) remains somewhat of a social taboo so much so that many women with UI delay or defer seeking medical advice. Renovia breaks with this taboo and encourages women to be proactive about their pelvic floor health.

Pelvic floor exercises are the first-line of treatment for incontinence - all medical guidelines say so! The Ieva Pelvic Digital Health System allows women to do their exercises from the comfort and the privacy of their own homes whilst receiving real-time feedback on exercise accuracy.

 Industry implications:

Naiyya Saggi
Naiyya Saggi
Mentor, #Sheleadstech

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