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March 12, 2020

Assess and Accelerate your Digital Health Maturity

Chandana Fitzgerald

Forward looking corporates know that oftentimes, the greatest ideas don’t necessarily come from within their business. Some corporates are setting strong examples of how working with and investing in startups can help augment their market position.

Digital Health Maturity

A few weeks ago pre-COVID-19 in Europe, a group of us caught up in the Austrian slopes to discuss and share key learnings that can help each of us move our organisation along the maturity journey - from Skeptic to Transformer, and what ingredients are needed to make this happen.

The importance of innovation is not lost on large companies. Forward looking corporates know that oftentimes, the greatest ideas don’t necessarily come from within their business. Some corporates are setting strong examples of how working with and investing in startups can help augment their market position. Last year, we released best practices (12 commandments) to provide a framework on how start-ups and large companies in health should effectively partner to bring the best outcomes for all. This year, we advanced the narrative to look at how companies interact with each other, and work together in different capacities depending on where along the maturity journey they are. 

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HealthXL have identified 5 key milestones in the journey to complete digital maturity - Skeptic, Explorer, Player, Disruptor, Transformer. The group of leaders who came together put their heads together to 

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We have only just begun - while this captures the essence of our discussions with this brilliant group of leaders, we have a long way to go to bring this down to earth, and into reality. We believe key pillars of strategy/vision, culture/leadership, partnerships/collaboration, resources/support and outcomes measurement will be vital to bringing this to life.  

As someone very smart once said, change happens because and not despite the system.

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